
Entity Definition

Logical Name : LocationDimension

THis table identifies and descibes a place INSIDE A SITE and BUSINESS UNIT. Inventory locations are places where stock is held. A business unit site may have many locations.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
LocationID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Location. ID_LCN Identity int
BusinessUnitID (FK)(PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer BusinessUnitDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_BUSINESS_UNIT)
SiteID Token ID for a Site ID_STE Number int
LocationName The common name for the Location. NM_LCN Name varchar(40)
Size The floor area of the Location expressed in an appropriate UnitOfMeasure QU_SZ_LCN Quantity decimal(9,2)
SizeUnitOfMeasureCode The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. LU_UOM_SZ Code varchar(20)
FunctionCode A code that describes what business activities and functions are performed in a specific location. Activities may include: ADMIN - Administration functions (no stock or customer services are handled here) DISPLY - Merchandise display (stock is presented to the customer for sale) CUSTSVC - Customer service - Customer merchandise may be picked up, returned, etc. RETADJ - Returns and adjustments - where a customer may return merchandise for a credit or refund. Where customers may request price adjustments (e.g. when they bought a sale item just before it went on special) STOCKPT - Stock Point - Out of customer sight location where merchandise is stored, counted and tracked at a physical and financial level. This could be the "back room" (like you see in shoe stores) or it could be a receiving dock, etc. RECV - Receiving or merchandise intake location where merchandise is physically unloaded and accepted by the retail store into its inventory (or at least acknowledged). And lots more depending on the retailer. These codes should indicate which locations involve merchandise sales and tracking. Based on the examples above DISPLY, STOCKPT, CUSTSVC, RECV and RETADJ all represent types of locations that involve the storage, sale or return of merchandise. There are many additional functions and codes that might be assigned depending on the retailer. As Internet sales open up, the concept of location changes. Instead of physical locations, merchandise tracking may be by URL and HTML name. The goal is still to understand WHERE merchandise is moving and where the ownership gets transferred from one party to another. CD_FNC Code4 char(4)
SecurityClassCode Defines the level of security required for a specific location. This is to accommodate secured merchandise like prescription drugs, guns and ammunition, upper end sound and video equipment, etc. CD_LCN_SCTY_CLS Code6 char(6)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
BusinessUnitDimension includes LocationDimension
LocationDimension defines location of InventoryFact
LocationDimension defines place of SalesReturnFact

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